字典網>> 漢英字典>> A開頭詞條>>矮樹的英文翻譯


拼音:ǎi shù


scrub; shrub


  1. 包括矮樹或灌木的濃密的植被。
    dense vegetation consisting of stunted trees or bushes.
  2. 我的所有物以矮樹叢結束;交響樂以弱音結束。
    My property ends by the bushes; The symphony ends in a pianissimo
  3. 一株矮樹;矮灌木叢
    A dwarf tree; dwarf shrubbery
  4. 我們必須在矮樹林中砍伐出一條路來。
    We had to chop a way through the undergrowth
  5. 我的所有物以矮樹叢結束;交響樂以弱音結束。
    My property ends by the bushes; The symphony ends in a pianissimo.
  6. 有粉色到紫色花的矮樹
    bushy tree with pink to purple flowers.
  7. 矮樹林中劈出一條路來
    cleave a path through the undergrowth
