字典網>> 漢英字典>> A開頭詞條>>黯然的英文翻譯 “黯然”的日文翻譯


拼音:àn rán


dejected; dim; downcast; faint; low-spirited


(1) ∶陰暗的樣子工地上千萬盞電燈光芒四射,連天上的星月也黯然失色(2) ∶心... >>查看“黯然”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 頭腦一時的蒙蔽會使學問黯然失色。
    Casual eclipses of the mind will darken learning.
  2. 灰姑娘的連衣裙使她姐姐們的服裝黯然失色。
    Cinderella's dress took the shine out of her sisters'.
  3. 他使場上所有其他運動員都黯然失色。
    He made all the other players on the field look decidedly ordinary.
  4. 一份半夢半醒著的愛、突然降臨、黯然分手。目眩神迷。
    A vaguely love, suddenly come sadly gone A "indistinct" love finally
  5. 看,星星在月光下就顯得黯然失色了!
    See how the stars pale before the glowing light of the moon.
  6. 他的發現使他同事的成就黯然失色。
    His discovery extinguished the achievements of his colleague.
  7. 使黯然失色;使相形見絀
    To obscure; eclipse.
  8. 當洛奇到醫院探訪查理時,看到妙芬正在侍奉湯藥,黯然神傷。
    In the hospital, Rocky leaves when he sees Mildred taking care of Charlie.
