字典網>> 漢英字典>> A開頭詞條>>按照規定的英文翻譯


拼音:àn zhào guī dìng


【法】 secundum regulam


  1. 按照規定我們不能這樣做。
    The regulations do not admit of our doing that.
  2. 必須按照規定的形式記賬。
    Books must be kept according to a prescribed form.
  3. 每位旅客只能免稅帶一隻手錶,按照規定,另一隻表您得交稅。
    We can pass only one wrist watch for each passenger free.
  4. 按照規定,任何時候均需有人值班。
    The rule is that someone must be on duty at all times
  5. (二)未按照規定提交證明材料的。
    (2) where no certifying document is submitted as prescribed.
  6. 請別給我加糖, 我現在正按照規定節食。
    No sugar for me, please.I went on a diet.
  7. 按照規定,場內不準飲酒。
    According to the rules, no alcohol can be consumed on the premises.
  8. 他們一切都按照規定辦理。
    They do everything according to Hoyle.
