字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>罷的英文翻譯 “罷”的日文翻譯



cease; dismiss; finish; stop


罷 (罷) bà 停,歇:罷休。罷工。罷課。罷市。罷論(打消了打算)。罷筆(停...


  1. 我敢說,這次工將使國家遭受嚴重損失。
    The strike will ruin the country , depend upon it .
  2. 工會向800名會員發出通知,準備舉行工。
    The Union has warned its eight hundred members to prepare for a strike
  3. 反響可怕的
    A strike that had dire repercussions
  4. 上周許多工人舉行了工。
    A great many workers went on stride last week
  5. 免職,免除去官職
    To remove from office.
  6. 他們不停地勸說他,直到最後他點頭表示同意才休。
    They egged him on until he finally nodded agreement.
  7. 工人揚言要工。
    The workers have threatened to withdraw their labour, ie go on strike.
  8. 碼頭因工而癱瘓了一個星期
    The docks were strikebound for a week
