字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>罷工的的英文翻譯


拼音:bà gōng de


【法】 striking


  1. 他們仔細考慮了罷工的可能性。
    They considered the possibility of a strike.
  2. 工會被授於號召罷工的權力
    The trade union is invested with the power to call a strike
  3. 罷工的第十天
    the tenth day of the strike
  4. 那工廠因罷工的結果而停工了兩個月。
    The factory was shut down for two months as a result of the strike.
  5. 工人們以靜坐罷工的方式反對董事會的決定。
    The workers countered the Board’s resolution with a stay-in strike
  6. 凡是不參加罷工的人,同事都不理睬他們。
    Men who refused to strike were sent to coventry by their colleagues.
  7. 會議通過了罷工的決議。
    The meeting pass or carry or adopt a resolution to go on strike
  8. 儘管法國是多次罷工的城市,但對他們來說本周仍然是忙碌的一周。
    Even for strike-prone France, this has been a busy week
