字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>班次的英文翻譯 “班次”的日文翻譯


拼音:bān cì


number of runs or flights; order of grades in school


(1) ∶官員按品級排列的位次排定班次(2) (3) 補授或提升官職的次序他的班... >>查看“班次”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 公共汽車日夜都有班次
    The bus service runs day and night.
  2. 倫敦與布萊頓之間火車班次很多。
    There are frequent trains running between London and Brighton.
  3. 大霧將飛機的班次攪亂了。
    Flights have been dislocated by thefog.
  4. 增加貨車班次
    increase the number of runs of freight trains
  5. 那還有沒有別的班次有空拉的?
    Do you have a seat on another flight?
  6. 在礦井裡每個班次都有醫務人員值班。
    Medical personnel are on duty every shift in the shafts.
  7. A通過電話落實一下他去堪薩斯城的航班班次
    A reconfirms his flight to Kansas City by telephone
  8. 那還有沒有別的班次有空拉的?
    Do you have a seat on another flight
