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拼音:bàn de


【醫】 comitans


  1. 直到1910年,荷蘭才在貿易夥伴的強大壓力下,廢止這項決定。
    The US has never gone ahead with such a radical step
  2. 最後,用實例說明了該方法選擇夥伴的有效性。
    Finally, an example is used to demonstrate its practicality.
  3. 直到1910年,荷蘭才在貿易夥伴的強大壓力下,廢止這項決定。
    The U.S. has never gone ahead with such a radical step.
  4. 19提瑪結伴的客旅瞻望。示巴同夥的人等候。
    The troops of Tema looked, the companies of Sheba waited for them.
  5. 伯6:19提瑪結伴的客旅瞻望、示巴同夥的人等候。
    "The caravans of Tema looked, The travelers of Sheba hoped for them.
  6. 表示友好的;可交往的具有好同伴的品質的;友好的
    Having the qualities of a good companion; friendly
  7. 20年來,我們一直保持著商業伙伴的關係。
    We have been business associates for 20 years.
  8. 對主要貿易伙伴的出口均有不同程度的增長。
    Growth of different degrees was seen in exports to major trade partners.
