字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>辦公樓的英文翻譯 “辦公樓”的日文翻譯


拼音:bàn gōng lóu


office building
【化】 office building
【經】 business building


辦公樓指機關、企業、事業單位行政管理人員,業務技術人員等辦公的業務用房,現代辦公... >>查看“辦公樓”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 設計人員給我們看了這座新的辦公樓的第一稿平面圖。
    The designer showed us the first plan for the new office.
  2. 這家公司最近在波斯頓市中心買了一幢新的辦公樓
    The company has recently acquired a new office building in central Boston
  3. 在全市各處如雨後春筍般出現了許多新公寓和辦公樓
    New blocks of flats and offices have mushroomed all over the city.
  4. 這座舊戲院將被拆除,然後在這裡建辦公樓
    The old theatre is to be torn down and replaced by offices.
  5. 這家公司最近在倫敦市中心買了一幢新的辦公樓
    The company has recently acquired a new office building in central London
  6. 新的住宅和辦公樓群正在全市各處雨後春筍般地迅速增加。
    New blocks of flats and offices are mushrooming all over the city.
  7. 市政府占用了此地來建造新的市辦公樓
    The town council appropriate the land to build the new municipal office.
  8. 走過這座橋就可以看到右邊的辦公樓
    Crossing the bridge you will find the Administration Building to the right.
