字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>半開的英文翻譯


拼音:bàn kāi




  1. 每個星期喬都節省一半開支。
    Every week Joe salts way half of his pay.
  2. 窗戶半開著。
    The window was on the jar.
  3. 這兒有一列去倫敦的慢車,9點半開車。
    There is a stopping train for London starting at half past nine
  4. 我們乘坐的火車將在大約十點半開出,準確地說,是十點三十三分開車。
    Our train leaves at about half past ten, or to be precise, 10: 33.
  5. 半開著, 因此貓可以進來。
    The door was ajar, so the cat was able to come in.
  6. 實驗2點半開始。
    The experiment is to start at 2∶30.
  7. 好,告訴約翰今天下午4點半開會議。
    Ok, tell John the meeting is at 4:30 in the afternoon.
  8. 街燈通常七點半開
    The street lights are usually turned on at 7:30.
