字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>報導的英文翻譯


拼音:bào dào


cover; news report; report; story


1.reportage  2.advices  3.reporting  4.newsreport  5.story  


  1. 報導說,明天有日環食。
    It was reported that there would be an annular eclipse tomorrow.
  2. 報導,這艘客輪與一艘油輪相撞。
    The liner is reported to have been in collision with an oil tanker.
  3. 這個報導與我們昨天聽到的有矛盾
    The report contradicts what we heard yesterday.
  4. 他對事件報導,其全部細節都是準確的。
    His report of the event was accurate in every detail.
  5. 動物園裡小企鵝的出生受到廣泛報導
    The birth of a baby penguin in the zoo was widely reported.
  6. 報紙上滿是關於世界政治三巨頭會晤的報導
    The newspaper was covered with reports of the meeting of the three political titans in the world.
  7. 報紙上有許多關於基督教長老會的報導
    There are some reports about the Presbyterian Church on the newspaper.
  8. 報紙上儘是些關於王室成員趣聞逸事的報導
    The papers are full of stories about the royals.


報導的意思 發表的新聞稿長篇報導詳細解釋亦作“ 報導 ”。.報告;告知。 唐 李涉 《山居送僧》詩:“若逢城邑人相問,報導花時也不聞。” 元 王修甫 《八聲甘州》套曲:“正心焦,梅香低報,報導晚粧樓外月兒高
