字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>剝去的英文翻譯


拼音:bāo qù


shuck; shuck off; shuck out of
【法】 strip


  1. 剝皮,削皮剝去或削去…的皮或外皮;削皮
    To strip or cut away the skin, rind, or bark from; pare.
  2. 剝皮剝去(樹木或木料)的皮
    To remove bark from(a tree or log).
  3. 剝去,脫去,剝蝕。
    Denude of
  4. 剝去他那講台上的雄辯偽裝,他還有什麼呢?
    Strip off (or down) his platform rhetoric and what is he left with?
  5. 例如把一些東西的外層剝去
    peel off the outer layer of something.
  6. 剝皮剝去(樹木或木料)的皮
    To remove bark from(a tree or log)
  7. 輪跡剝去樹皮後在樹幹上形成的帶
    A band made around the trunk of a tree by the removal of a strip of bark
  8. 剝去文明人的外衣,他就變成野蠻人了。
    Scratch a Russian, and you will find a Tartar
