字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>保送的英文翻譯 “保送”的日文翻譯


拼音:bǎo sòng


recommend sb. for admission to school


保舉選送。 清 袁枚 《隨園詩話》卷十五:“ 宋鹹淳 辛未,正言 陳伯大 議:... >>查看“保送”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 他們在一局中給了我們兩次保送上壘。
    They gave us two walks in one inning.
  2. 戴蒙在第九局被保送上壘後,成功盜壘並且再添1分。
    Damon also walked, stole a base and scored in the ninth inning
  3. 保送上壘通過投出四壞球而使(擊球手)可進到第一壘去
    To allow(a batter) to go to first base by pitching four balls
  4. 在三個壞球之後,我希望能被保送
    After three balls, I was hoping for a walk
  5. 麥茲隊以兩支安打和一次保送而占滿壘。
    The Mets loaded the bases with two singles and a base on balls
  6. 2007年首戰先發,老穆保送三次,三振四個人,並投出一次觸身球。
    Mussina walked three, struck out four and hit a batter in his 2007 debut
  7. 保送上壘通過投出四壞球而使(擊球手)可進到第一壘去
    To allow(a batter) to go to first base by pitching four balls.
  8. 在三個壞球之後,我希望能被保送
    After three balls, I was hoping for a walk.
