字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>保衛的英文翻譯 “保衛”的日文翻譯


拼音:bǎo wèi


guard; safeguard; security; defend; defend from; entrench
【法】 secure


保護使不受侵犯 >>查看“保衛”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 人民迅速拿起武器保衛自己的祖國。
    The people were quick to take up arms to defend their homeland.
  2. 他為保衛祖國不惜犧牲自己的一切。
    He did not hesitate to sacrifice his all for protecting his motherland.
  3. 這是我的祖國, 我將用生命保衛她。
    This is my native land and I'll defend it with my life!
  4. 馬德里保衛
    action of safeguarding Madrid
  5. 執行保衛任務的士兵呆的地方。
    a room in which soldiers under guard are confined
  6. 我們保衛了我們的勝利果實。
    We have defended the fruits of our victory.
  7. 英國君主的保衛(正式的)中的官員。
    officer in the (ceremonial) bodyguard of the British monarch.
  8. 服飾就像鐵絲網,它保衛了領土,但不妨礙視線
    A dress is like a barbed fence
