字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>包圍的的英文翻譯


拼音:bāo wéi de


【醫】 encapsulated; encapsuled; incapsuled


1.ambient  2.besetting  


  1. 被血管包圍的癌腫瘤。
    A tumor surrounded by blood vessels
  2. 城堡早期或中世紀歐洲設防的或有城牆包圍的城堡
    A fortified or walled town in early or medieval Europe.
  3. 壁壘狀的被隆起或立起的牆狀結構包圍的
    Surrounded by a ridge or raised, wall-like structure
  4. 四面都被建築物所包圍的四角都是直角的庭院。
    a rectangular area surrounded on all sides by buildings
  5. 被擁擠街道所包圍的城市公園
    A city park that was bounded by busy streets
  6. 四面被山包圍的村莊
    A valley hemmed in by mountains
  7. 這樣就造成了向南昌包圍的形勢。
    All this places us in a position to close in on Nanchang.
  8. 突然,我們在街上看到從被包圍的房子裡升起一道煙。
    Suddenly we in the streets saw smoke streaming from the besieged house.
