字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>保險費率的英文翻譯


拼音:bǎo xiǎn fèi shuài


【經】 premium rate; rate of premium


  1. 這類險別的保險費率將根據貨物種類而定。
    Insurance brokers will quote rates forrall types of vargo and cw isks.
  2. 你建議我們辦什麼樣的保險費率呢?
    What insurance rate do you suggest we should get?
  3. 請給我方平安險的保險費率
    Please give us the policy rates for F. P. A. coverage.
  4. 保險費率是根據以往貨物滅失和破損的統計數字來制定的。
    The premium rate is fix on the basis of the past statistical loss figures.
  5. 這個險別是按。。。%的保險費率投保。
    This kind of risk is coverable at a premium of xxx%
  6. 請給我方平安險的保險費率
    Please give us the policy rates for F P A coverage
  7. 非比例再保險的保險費率由雙方當事人議定。
    The premium rate of disproportional reinsurance by bilateral party agreed.
  8. 這個險別是按。。。%的保險費率投保。
    This kind of risk is coverable at a premium of xxx%.
