字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>保證的的英文翻譯


拼音:bǎo zhèng de




  1. 那些他們信誓旦旦的說的沒有保證的大話。
    "Blow hards who make claims that they can't back up.
  2. 具有服務質量保證的Web伺服器的設計
    Design and Implementation of Web Server Based on QoS
  3. 被保證人得到擔保或保證的
    One to whom a warranty is made or a warrant is given.
  4. 也許你還記得上星期三我提出的相互保證的問題。
    Perhaps you still remember the counter guarantee I proposed last Wednesday.
  5. 其實我們這兒出售的所有商品質量都是有保證的
    In fact,all the goods for sale here are guaranteed of their quality.
  6. 微薄但有保證的收入;我們完全不能保證生活。
    a tiny but assured income; we can never have completely assured lives
  7. 論BOT方式中政府保證的若干法律問題
    On the Legal Problems of Government Surety in BOT
  8. 抵押品,典當物當作借貸保證的事物;保證物或抵押物
    Something given as security for a loan; a pledge or guaranty
