字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>保證質量的英文翻譯


拼音:bǎo zhèng zhì liáng


【經】 guaranteed quality; quality guarantee


  1. 保證質量,我們對著光檢查了蛋。
    We candled the eggs to assure quality.
  2. 我們店賣出的商品在12個月內保證質量
    We guarantee the quality of the product we sold in our store for 12 months.
  3. 我們可以保證質量不比聽裝差。
    We can guarantee that the quality is no inferior to that of tin.
  4. 我司對客戶的訂貨,一向都認真對待、保證質量,且能迅速交貨。
    All orders entrust to us are given our careful and prompt attention.
  5. 我們保證質量
    We can avouch for the quality.
  6. 我們能夠對你方絕對保證質量
    We are able to give you an absolute guarantee on quality.
  7. 我們對本店賣出的商品保證質量
    We guarantee the quality of the product we sold in our store.
