字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>拔腿的英文翻譯 “拔腿”的日文翻譯


拼音:bá tuǐ


start running at once


(1) ∶快速起步;邁步他答應了一聲,拔腿就跑(2) ∶抽身;脫身他事情太多,拔... >>查看“拔腿”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 比如,當你猛然見到一條蛇時,類扁桃體會使你四肢僵硬,出冷汗,心跳加速甚至拔腿跑掉。
    However, seeing the snake also uses another part of the brain, the cortex.
  2. 拔腿跑開,和一個過路人撞了個滿懷。
    He started to run away and barged against a passer-by
  3. 拔腿就跑,一下就抓住了那個男孩。
    He sprang into a run and seized that boy in no time
  4. 約翰忽然發現他要搭的公共汽車停在對面,於是他就拔腿跑了過去。
    Suddenly John spotted his bus pulling up opposite, and he broke away.
  5. 竊賊聽見警察來了,拔腿就跑。
    The burglars took to their heels when they heard the police arrive.
  6. 我們都嚇壞了,拔腿就跑。
    We all got really scared and ran.
  7. 拔腿跑開,和一個過路人撞了個滿懷。
    He started to run away and barged against a passer-by.
