字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>被拍賣的英文翻譯


拼音:bèi pāi mài


【經】 come under the hammer


1.gounderthehammer  2.gotothehammer  3.comeunderthehammer  4.cometothehammer  5.becomeunderthehammer  6.underthehammer  


  1. 祖母看到自己珍愛的東西被拍賣掉心情十分悲傷。
    Grandmother was very sad to see her lovely things being auctioned off.
  2. 這輛小車被拍賣了。
    The car is sold by auction.
  3. 看見祖母所有心愛的東西在木槌的敲擊聲中被拍賣掉,真令人傷心。
    It was sad to see all grandmother's lovely things go under the hammer.
  4. 祖母看到自己珍愛的東西被拍賣掉心情十分悲傷。
    Grandmother was very sad to see her lovely things being auctioned off.
  5. 看到她所有心愛的東西被拍賣掉,其令人傷心。
    It was sad to see all her lovely things come under the hammer.
  6. 我打算出價購買的那幅畫在我到後不久就被拍賣了。
    The picture I wanted to bid on came under hammer soon after I arrived.
  7. 紅木桌作價五英鎊被拍賣了。
    A mahogany table was knocked down for five pounds
  8. 湯姆宣布破產不久後,他的房子就被拍賣了。
    Not long after Tom declared bankruptcy, his house went up for auction.
