字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>本事的英文翻譯 “本事”的日文翻譯


拼音:běn shì


ability; skill


(1) ∶勝任工作的技能;本領(2) ∶這一事或物本事評論員(3) ∶文學作品主... >>查看“本事”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 開始考慮某事物的基本事實或具體細節
    Start to consider the basic facts or practical details of sth
  2. 我真不相信他有本事去掉這個污漬。
    I do not really believe his ability to get off this stain.
  3. 技術,本事,竅門正確地做某些事情所需要的知識和技藝
    The knowledge and skill required to do something correctly.
  4. 他有說俏皮話的本事
    He has a knack of saying funny things
  5. 我想我有本事同陌生人交朋友。
    I reckon I have the gift of making friends with strangers.
  6. 你有沿著這樣一個陡坡滑雪的本事
    Do you have the skill to ski such a difficult slope
  7. 她有本事悄悄溜進房間而不被人發現。
    She is able to slide into a room without anyone noticing.
  8. 他因得寵而獲此地位, 並非有何特長或本事.
    He obtained his position more by favour than by merit or ability.
