字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>必的英文翻譯



certainly; must; surely


  1. 你從圖書館借的書上的戳記表明,這本書須明天歸還
    The stamp in your library book shows it must be returned tomorrow.
  2. 去倫敦之前,我須好好溫習一下英文。
    I must brush up my English before I go to London.
  3. 須找人把收音機修理好。
    I must get the radio fixed.
  4. 孩子用的家具須經得起拳打腳踢。
    Children's furniture must withstand kicks and blows.
  5. 這個劇目播出前經過數次剪輯。
    Before this play is broadcast several cuts must be made.
  6. 如果你努力,你就會成功,那然是真的。
    It follows that if you work hard, you will succeed.
  7. 無疑,每個結果定有其原因
    It's certain that every effect must have a cause.
  8. 須得想個辦法。
    Something must be done about it.


必的意思 必 ì 一定:必定。必然。必須(一定要)。必需(不可少的)。勢必。未必。事必躬親。 決定,肯定:“深念遠慮兮,勝乃可必”。 固執:“毋意,毋必”。 果真,假使:“王必無人,臣願奉璧往使”。 筆畫數:
