字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>編的英文翻譯 “編”的日文翻譯



plait; raddle; weave


編 (編) biān 用細條或帶形的東西交叉組織起來:編結。編織。編扎。 按一...


  1. 地圖資料庫圖形輯軟體(MDBGES)的設計與構想
    A Design and a Propostion on Graphic Editing Software Based on Map Database
  2. 把…制把(某人或某部隊)置於特定的命令下
    To place(a person or a military unit) under a specific command.
  3. (商標)在赫布里底群島製作的寬鬆織的斜紋軟呢。
    (trademark) a loose-woven tweed made in the Outer Hebrides
  4. 輯起來的東西(比如進一本書或檔案)。
    something that is compiled (as into a single book or file).
  5. 一種適用於甚低比特率視頻碼的運動估計技術
    A Motion Estimation Technique for Very Low Bit rate Video Coding
  6. 基於曲面的實體輯方法探討及實現
    Implementation and discussion of solid edit based on surface
  7. 體育與健康課程制應處理好幾對關係
    PE and Health Must Deal with Pairs of Relation in Drawing up Its Curriculum
  8. 我在他們的書上做了許多輯上的修改。
    I have made a lot of editorial changes in their book
