字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>變化的的英文翻譯


拼音:biàn huà de


metabolic; metamorphic; mutative; variational
【法】 transitional; varied


  1. 棉卷加壓力的測定及其變化的探討
    Discussion of weighted Lap Force Measurement and Its changes
  2. 麥凱恩在阿拉巴馬州的塞爾馬承諾,要成為一個帶來變化的候選人。
    McCain promised to be a candidate of change in Selma, Alabama
  3. 苯並(a)芘染毒大鼠血、肺中SOD、LPO及SOD/LPO變化的研究
    Study of SOD and LPO in Rats Injected Intratracheally by Benzapyrene
  4. 緩衝液:可以抵抗任何酸或鹼變化的溶液。
    Buffer A solution that resists any change in acidity or alkalinity.
  5. 易變的傾向於或容易變化的變化的
    Tending or liable to vary; variable.
  6. 好比蜂群內的蜜蜂那般,球狀星團內的恆星運行在不斷變化的軌道之上。
    Like bees in a swarm, these stars move on ever changing orbits.
  7. 心肌肥厚大鼠血漿血漿腎上腺髓質素、內皮素和心鈉素變化的實驗研究
    Experimental study of changes of plasma ADM,ET,ANP in rats with hypertrophy
  8. 傾向於或能夠變化的
    liable to or capable of change.
