字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>扁平的英文翻譯 “扁平”的日文翻譯


拼音:biǎn píng


【醫】 applanation; plano-; platy-




  1. 有一個扁平的可以加熱的表面(放在爐子上面)在上面可以做食物。
    a flat heated surface (as on top of a stove) on which food is cooked
  2. 七弦琴,西特琴一種16世紀的琴體扁平、呈梨形的吉他
    A16th-century guitar with a flat, pear-shaped body
  3. 過去很長時間地球被認為是扁平的。
    For a long time the earth is thought of as flat.
  4. 鯨尾葉突鯨尾水平分開的兩葉扁平裂片之一
    Either of the two horizontally flattened divisions of the tail of a whale
  5. 小圓烤餅一種小而扁平的圓麵餅,放在圓烤盤上烘烤,通常在烤脆時來敬客
    A small, flat round of bread, baked on a griddle and usually served toasted
  6. 滾木球遊戲中使用的(扁平邊的)的木球。
    a wooden ball (with flattened sides) used in the game of bowls
  7. 髕骨,膝蓋骨膝關節前部的一塊厚而扁平的三角形骨
    A flat triangular bone located at the front of the knee joint.
  8. 甜餅乾,曲奇餅一種用加糖的生麵團做成的通常為扁平、鬆脆的小糕點
    A small, usually flat and crisp cake made from sweetened dough
