字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>便宜的的英文翻譯


拼音:biàn yí de


cheap; inexpensive


  1. 便宜的旅店意味著單薄的牆壁。
    R:Cheap inn means thin walls.
  2. 一切好的東西都是便宜的,所有壞的東西都是非常貴的。--梭羅
    All good things are cheap, all bad things are very dear.-H. D. Thoreau
  3. 他沒有朋友是因為他是個愛占別人便宜的傢伙。
    He had no friends because he was a sponger.
  4. 我們以非常便宜的價格買了那所房子。
    we bought the house for a song.
  5. 互惠交易指尤對買者有利的交易;占便宜的交易
    A sale favorable especially to the buyer; a bargain
  6. 麥克因為拚命討價還價,而以很便宜的價錢買到了他的車。
    Mike got a good deal on his car because he drove a hard bargain.
  7. 互惠交易指尤對買者有利的交易;占便宜的交易
    A sale favorable especially to the buyer; a bargain.
  8. 有沒有什麼地方我能夠買到更便宜的機票?
    Is there anywhere I can buy a cheaper ticker?
