字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>表現的的英文翻譯


拼音:biǎo xiàn de


expressional; representational; representative




  1. 戲劇以散文或詩寫成的,特別是敘述嚴肅的故事的,通過演員扮演人物角色,表演對話與動作來表現的作品
    A prose or verse composition, especially one telling a serious story, that is intended for representation by actors impersonating the characters and performing the dialogue and action.
  2. 這幅畫表現的是海上風暴。
    This painting is a representation of a storm at sea.
  3. 創傷後腦內血腫、局部水腫的CT和臨床表現的動態研究(英文)
    Dynamic changes of CT appearance and clinical signs in focal brian trauma
  4. 表現的表現的,與表現有關的,以表現為特徵的
    Of, relating to, or characterized by expression.
  5. 每一個字母通過一系列圓點表現的印表機。
    a printer in which each character is represented by a pattern of dots.
  6. 14世紀,尤指當時的義大利藝術和文學中所表現的14世紀
    The 14th century, especially with reference to Italian art and literature.
  7. 獎牌背面表現的是,聖火在體育場背景的襯托下熊熊燃燒,右上角是莫斯科奧運會會徽。
    The upper right-hand segment, carries the insignia of the Moscow Olympics.
