字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>別的英文翻譯 “別”的日文翻譯



leave; other
【醫】 allo-


別 bié 分離:別離。別情。別緒(離別時離別後的情感)。分別。告別。久別重逢...


  1. 人都跑了,但我在原地沒動。
    All the others ran away, but I sat tight.
  2. 個人組的比賽不可使用替代的選手。
    No contestant may be replaced by another in an individual title match.
  3. (特是指承諾或者條約)沒有被違反或者忽視。
    (especially of promises or contracts) not violated or disregarded.
  4. 四君子合劑的薄層色譜鑒
    Identification of Sijunzi Mixture by TLC
  5. 不辭辛苦幫助
    Put oneself out of the way to do sth.
  6. 不限於專心振興某一特的。
    not bound to devoted to the promotion of a particular denomination.
  7. 如果我哪句話說得不中聽,請見怪。
    If anything I said displeased you, please do not take it ill.
  8. 彭彭:這樣,丁滿,有什麼我們能幫忙的嗎?
    Pumbaa: Come on, Timon, anything we can do?
