字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>病入膏肓的英文翻譯 “病入膏肓”的日文翻譯


拼音:bìng rù gāo huāng


the disease is not curable


指病已危重到無法救治的地步或事情已發展到不可挽救的程度 >>查看“病入膏肓”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 他已病入膏肓,但醫生盡力挽回他的生命。
    His illness was serious but the doctors managed to bring him through.
  2. 那個病入膏肓的女孩學會了在自己所剩不多的日子裡有一天就好好過一天。
    The sick girl faced with certain death learned to live from day to day in the short future that was left to her.
  3. 他已病入膏肓,但醫生盡力挽回他的生命。
    His illness was serious but the doctors managed to bring him through.
  4. 此病人已病入膏肓, 救活無望。
    The patient's life was despaired of, all hope that he would live was lost.
  5. 病入膏肓後,只活了幾天。
    He lived only a few days after the disease struck in
  6. 病入膏肓後,只活了幾天就死了。
    She lived only a few days after the disease struck in
  7. 一個病入膏肓的人的費力呼吸
    The labored breathing of a very ill person
