字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>不得體的英文翻譯


拼音:bù dé tǐ


be unbecoming to; impropriety


  1. 他說出這種不策略的話是得不得體的。
    It was out of order for him to make such a tactless remark.
  2. 不拘禮儀過分親密或不拘禮儀的行為;不得體的行為
    An excessively familiar or informal act; an impropriety.
  3. 不得體,無禮禮節或品味的缺乏;不適宜
    Lack of propriety or good taste; impropriety.
  4. 穿褐色鞋配大禮服是不得體的。
    It is not correct to wear brown shoes with a morning coat.
  5. 我多么希望沒說那些不得體的話啊!
    How I longed for the power to unsay these tactless words!
  6. 不得體的評論
    To make a tactless remark.
  7. 他說出這種不策略的話是得不得體的。
    It was out of order for him to make such a tactless remark
  8. 一句很不得體的話
    an out-of-the-way remark
