字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>不明顯的英文翻譯


拼音:bù míng xiǎn


【法】 non constat


  1. 在特定情況下,意義和重要性皆不明顯的因素。
    a factor in a given situation whose bearing and importance is not apparent
  2. 不明顯或不活躍的狀態。
    the state of being not yet evident or active.
  3. 軋制速度對界面結合的影響不明顯
    The influence of rolling speed is not distinct.
  4. 這種感覺可以說很不明顯
    the feeling is, as we say, quite dead.
  5. 變得模糊不清或不明顯
    become vague or indistinct.
  6. 他為什麼做那件事是不明顯的。
    Why he did it are obscure.
  7. 用藥前後血壓變化不明顯(P>0.05)。
    The BP had no significant change before and after treatment(P>0.05).
  8. “愛好”和“精神病”之間的區別並不明顯
    There is a very fine line between″hobby″ and″mental ill ness
