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拼音:bù qīn fàn


【法】 non-aggression


  1. 這導致了兩國間互不侵犯協定的簽訂。
    This lead to a non-aggression pact between the two countries
  2. 兩國訂下互不侵犯條約。
    The two country made a bargain that they would not fight each other again
  3. 這導致了兩國間互不侵犯協定的簽訂。
    This lead to a non-aggression pact between the two countries.
  4. 不侵犯政策;不侵犯條約
    A nonaggression policy; nonaggression treaties
  5. 不侵犯政策
    a nonaggression policy
  6. 蘇德互不侵犯條約
    Treaty of non-Aggression Between Soviet Union and Germany
  7. 不侵略,不侵犯沒有意圖顯示侵犯外國政府或國家
    Lack of intention to show aggression against a foreign government or nation
  8. 友好和互不侵犯條約
    treaty of friendship and mutual nonaggression
