字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>不完善的英文翻譯


拼音:bù wán shàn


【電】 imperfection


1.intheraw  2.imperfectness  3.faultiness  


  1. 他將就使用一件不完善的工具而仍然完成了任務。
    He made out with a defective tool and still got the job done.
  2. 第一架飛機是不完善的,但是並不因此就把它砸爛拋掉。
    The first airplane was not perfect but is was not chopped up and abandoned on that score.
  3. 不完善的設計方案
    a faulty design
  4. 模板病歷不完善等問題。
    to find out and resolve the problems that exit in the development of EMR;
  5. 現在的狀況還有哪些地方不完善
    Which places does the present condition also have not to be imperfect?
  6. 講話不完善,象小孩一樣
    To speak imperfectly, as a child does
  7. 毀滅,摧毀因為方案不完善或為了安全的原因,經常通過遙控對已發射的宇宙飛船、火箭或飛彈實施的有意的摧毀
    launching, as for defective performance or reasons of safety
