字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>不需要的的英文翻譯


拼音:bù xū yào de


【計】 undesired


1.unneeded  2.detrop  3.unwanted  4.supervacaneous  


  1. 無用數據,無用單元,無用信息在輸入、輸出或存儲方面不正確的、無意義的或不需要的信息
    Incorrect, meaningless, or unwanted information in input, output, or memory.
  2. 棒球分會附屬於一個高級聯合會俱樂部的小聯合會俱樂部,其負責訓練新成員和保留暫時不需要的隊員
    A minor-league club affiliated with a major-league club for the training of recruits and the maintenance of temporarily unneeded players.
  3. 她花了冤枉錢,買的是她自己並不需要的東西。
    She has wasted her money on things she doesn't need.
  4. 我們把它們看作不需要的、害多利少的生物。
    We regarded them as unnecessary creatures that do more harm than good.
  5. 不需要的不需要的,不想要的;不必要的
    Not needed or wished for; unnecessary.
  6. 我把我原稿 許多不需要的字刪去了。
    I cancelled many unnecessary words in my manuscript
  7. 她廚房的櫥櫃中放滿了她不需要的東西。
    The cupboards in her kitchen were full of things she did not need.
  8. 這也會吸引你不需要的星體實體的不必要的注意。
    It can also attract the unwanted attention of undesirable astral entities.
