字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>不一的英文翻譯


拼音:bù yī


differ; vary


  1. 我們在很多事情上意見都不一致。
    We differ on many things.
  2. 你們的火車跟我們的不一樣。
    Your trains are different from/than ours.
  3. 這次的訪問與上次大不一樣。
    This visit is very different from/to last time.
  4. 我問過所有的孩子,每個人的說法都不一樣。
    I asked all the children and each told a different story.
  5. 這兩兄弟僅外表相似,本性卻很不一樣。
    There is only a formal likeness between the two brothers, for their natures are very different.
  6. 兩家報紙對發生的事說法不一
    The two newspapers gave different versions of what happened.
  7. 我們對道德標準看法不一致。
    We differ about moral standards.
  8. 他和十年前不一樣。
    He's a different man from what he was 10 years ago.


不一的意思 ;∶不一致,不相同意見不一;∶有差異,質量不同質量不一;∶舊時書信末尾用語,表示不一一詳說詳細解釋.不相同;不一樣。《管子·禁藏》:“赦罪而不一,德雖厚,不譽者多。” 晉 陸機 《豪士賦》:“夫立德
