字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>不予的英文翻譯 “不予”的日文翻譯


拼音:bù yú


not grant


  1. 我已經考慮過你的建議,決定不予採納。
    I've looked over your suggestion, and have decided not to accept it.
  2. 我們相信貴公司在市場上將能以高價脫手。因此,我們對該商品不予限價。
    I do not limit you as to price, be well assured that you will effect the best sale your market will allow.
  3. “你以前結過婚嗎?”“我有權不予回答。”
    "Have you been married before?" "I take the Fifth."
  4. 管理處對在泳池內發生的意外傷亡事故不予以承擔責任。
    Persona swimming does so at own their risk.
  5. 寺廟的收入,中央不予變更”。
    The Central Government will allow no change in the revenues of monasteries.
  6. 他把這個訊息當做謠言而不予考慮。
    He dismissed the story as a rumour
  7. 絕大部分黨員對極端分子不予理睬.
    The lunatic fringe is/are ignored by most members of the party.
