字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>財務報表的英文翻譯


拼音:cái wù bào biǎo


【經】 financial statements; project financial statement


  1. 愛也不能用契約中的法律詞句來表達,或者表現於財務報表中。
    It is not something that can be expressed in terms of formula or equations.
  2. 我無法使這些數字與你的財務報表相符。
    I can not reconcile these figures with the statement you prepared .
  3. 那些有心的財務報表讀者只看到些含糊的腳註。
    The attentive reader of the accounts has only an obscure footnote to go by.
  4. 中興通訊公司財務報表分析
    Analysis on Financial Report of ZhongXing Communication Corp, Limited
  5. 財務報表注釋若干問題的研究
    A study of the explanatory notes of financial statements
  6. 企業財務:著重於分析財務報表
    Corporate Finance: Focuses on reading and analyzing financial statements.
