字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>燦爛的的英文翻譯


拼音:càn làn de


bright; brilliant; gorgeous; magnificent; resplendent; splendid


1.fulgent  2.irradiant  3.dizzying  4.pyrotechnical  5.pyrotechnic  6.radiant  7.refulgent  8.aglitter  9.fulgid  10.effulgent  11.brightsome  12.incandescent  13.prismy  14.spunky  15.Orient  


  1. 燈罩煤油燈內一裝置,是一個由許多線結成的套構成的,被火焰加熱後產生燦爛的光芒
    A device in gas lamps consisting of a sheath of threads that gives off brilliant illumination when heated by the flame.
  2. 燦爛的陽光照亮了他們的屋子。
    A brilliant sun lit up their rooms.
  3. 要遊覽這座西班牙人最早在此落戶的燦爛的城市,最好的辦法是乘坐穿越九條主要大街的舊式纜車。
    The best way to see this splendid city, where Spanish people were the first to make their homes, is to take one of the old cable cars which run along the nine main avenues.
  4. 這把琴是用金光燦爛的棕色木料製成的,在陽光的映照下顯得是那樣溫暖。
    The wood was a golden brown that seemed to warm in the light.
  5. 那是什麼?多么燦爛的一顆星!
    A:Whats that What a brilliant star!
  6. 中華民族有著悠久燦爛的文化。
    The Chinese nation has a long and splendid civilization
  7. 我們有燦爛的民族文化。
    We have a splendid national culture
  8. 燦爛的陽光普照在田野上。
    The sun flings bright rays on the fields.
