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拼音:cè bù


lateral; sidepiece


  1. (7)大腦後動脈外側部發出2—3條外側後穿動脈及3—4條膝狀體丘腦動脈。
    (7)Von Pars latder A cerebri post ent-sprangen 2—3 Aa
  2. 護胸甲擊劍者為保護軀幹和側部所穿的縫在兩層布中的護墊
    A quilted pad worn by fencers to protect the torso and side
  3. (6)大腦後動脈內側部發出5—7條後穿動脈;
    der A cerebri post entsprangen 5—7 Aa
  4. 腓骨的,腓側的腓骨的或小腿外側部位的,或與之相關的
    Of or relating to the fibula or to the outer portion of the leg.
  5. 護胸甲擊劍者為保護軀幹和側部所穿的縫在兩層布中的護墊
    A quilted pad worn by fencers to protect the torso and side.
  6. 好了,由左側部分我們得到了什麼?
    Ok, so what we got on the left hand side?
  7. 機翼的外側部分;外側索具。
    the outboard section of a wing; outboard rigging.
  8. 機翼的外側部分;外側索具。
    the outboard section of a wing; outboard rigging
