字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>常開的英文翻譯


拼音:cháng kāi


【化】 normally open


  1. 開始習慣寒冷的天氣;過去慣常開一輛小車
    Getting used to the cold weather; was used to driving a small car.
  2. 他們的辦事處設在北京市中心,所以他們的日常開支很大。
    Their office is in central Beijing, so their overhead is very high.
  3. 他通常開車上班。
    He usually drives to work.
  4. 2例 4耳為咽鼓管異常開放。
    In 2 cases (4 ears), abnormal patency of eustachian tube was diagnosed.
  5. 我太太將日常開銷都記錄下來。
    My wife keeps a record of our daily expenses
  6. 我太太將日常開銷都記錄下來。
    My wife keeps a record of our daily expenses.
  7. 他們的辦事處設在倫敦市中心,所以他們的日常開支很大。
    Their office is in central London, so their overheads are very high.
  8. 一個非常開明且睿智的法官
    A jurist of great breadth and wisdom.
