字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>朝聖的英文翻譯 “朝聖”的日文翻譯


拼音:cháo shèng


pilgrim; pilgrimage


(1) ∶教徒朝拜宗教聖地(2) ∶作為穆斯林宗教義務到麥加去朝覲 >>查看“朝聖”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 這個有關朝聖者的故事在美國人中已是眾所周知。
    This story of that Pilgrim feast is well known among Americans.
  2. 查脫戶耶克果真像那些朝聖者所認為的,是個由女性當家的城嗎?
    Was ?atalh?yük the bastion of female power it has been thought to be?
  3. 朝聖,朝覲到聖地或神殿去的旅行
    A journey to a sacred place or shrine.
  4. 這個教堂四月份要組織到羅馬丟朝聖
    The church is organizing a pilgrimage to Rome in April
  5. 客棧,招待所土耳其用來招待朝聖者的客棧或招待所
    An inn or hostel for pilgrims in Turkey.
  6. 兩個和尚在朝聖途中來到一條河邊的淺灘。
    Two monks on a pilgrimage came to the ford of a river.
  7. 這個穆斯林代表團很快就要去麥加朝聖了。
    The Muslim delegation is shortly going on a pilgrimage to Mecca.
  8. 旅客招待所供旅行者或朝聖者住宿的地方
    A hospice for travelers or pilgrims.
