字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>車頭的英文翻譯 “車頭”的日文翻譯


拼音:chē tóu


【機】 headstock


(1).火車的機車。 茹志鵑 《高高的白楊樹·在社會主義的軌道上》:“車頭仍是... >>查看“車頭”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 車頭出了軌,翻起了五碼鐵軌。
    The engine left the rails and ploughed up the track for five yards.
  2. 我們掉轉車頭, 朝家駛去。
    We turned the car round and steered for home.
  3. 詹森夫人在坐火車時喜歡面朝火車頭坐。
    On a railway journey Mrs. Johnson liked to sit facing toward the engine.
  4. 他的車頭燈照得我目眩.
    I was dazzled by his headlights.
  5. 機車, 火車頭
    a railway engine
  6. 車頭在拐彎處脫軌。
    The engine of the train left the rails at a curve.
  7. 是的,肯定無疑。瞧-車頭上寫著“哈姆斯密”。
    Yes, positive. Look-it say"hammersmith" on the front.
  8. 噗噗聲一種嘈雜的噗噗或爆炸聲,比如火車頭發出的聲音
    A noisy puffing or explosive sound, such as one made by a locomotive.
