字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>吃素的英文翻譯 “吃素”的日文翻譯


拼音:chī sù


abstain from eating meal


不吃魚肉等葷腥食物 >>查看“吃素”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 吃素是一種尋找一種好的生活
    Vegetarianism is a way to find the way of good life
  2. 醫生囑我吃素食。
    The doctor put me on a vegetable diet
  3. 那兒可不"鬧騰",而且還要"吃素"。
    It is not noisy there and you have to be a vegetarian
  4. 都說這個餐館不錯,公司的項目經理只吃素,居然還心血來潮要每兩個星期叫上大家出去吃。
    We should eat meat in there, all they cared were tofu and champions.
  5. 她逐漸習慣吃素食。
    She got used gradually to the vegetarian diet.
  6. 吃素是一種尋找一種好的生活.
    Vegetarianism is a way to find the way of good life.
  7. 連續不斷的吵雜聲;長期吃素
    Continual noise; a continual diet of vegetables
  8. 他們在那一天被鼓勵去吃素菜。
    They are encouraged to partake of vegetarian food for the day.
