字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>衝動的英文翻譯 “衝動”的日文翻譯


拼音:chōng dòng


actuation; impulse; impulsion; uprush; urge
【醫】 impetus; impulse; impulsion; osmo-


(1) ∶神經受到刺激引起的興奮性反應(2) ∶理性弱於情感的心理現象沒有必要那... >>查看“衝動”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 對付他們感情衝動的辦法就是保持鎮定。
    The way to fight their emotionalism is with a cool head
  2. 他頭腦冷靜(不易衝動)。
    He has a cool head
  3. 衝動的傾向於衝動行事而不深思熟慮的
    Inclined to act on impulse rather than thought.
  4. 他一時衝動買了這輛汽車。
    He bought the car on impulse.
  5. 對付他們感情衝動的辦法就是保持鎮定。
    The way to fight their emotionalism is with a cool head.
  6. 反覆無常的,多變的具有奇異念頭的特徵的或易產生這類念頭的;易衝動和不可預料的
    Characterized by or subject to whim; impulsive and unpredictable.
  7. 你血氣方剛做某事衝動嗎?
    Are you just a product of raging hormones?
  8. 我覺得他的熱情有點勉強,缺乏自發的衝動
    His enthusiasm was somewhat lacking in spontaneity,I thought.
