字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>錘頭的英文翻譯


拼音:chuí tóu


hammerhead; peen
【計】 hammer


1.hammerram  2.hammerhead  3.hammerblock  4.indentinghammer  5.tup  6.pene  7.beaterhead  8.nozzling  


  1. 錘頭一種重的金屬體,特指汽錘或打樁機的錘頭
    A heavy metal body, especially the head of a power hammer
  2. 有和錘頭相對的寬刃的短柄斧。
    a short-handled hatchet with a broad blade opposite a hammerhead
  3. 爪形器具類似爪的東西,如錘頭的“V”狀末端
    Something, such as the cleft end of a hammerhead, that resembles a claw
  4. 爪形器具類似爪的東西,如錘頭的“V”狀末端
    Something, such as the cleft end of a hammerhead, that resembles a claw.
  5. 供屠牛用的斧頭;刀刃的對面有錘頭
    an ax used to slaughter cattle; has a hammer opposite the blade.
  6. 供屠牛用的斧頭;刀刃的對面有錘頭
    an ax used to slaughter cattle; has a hammer opposite the blade
  7. 乾砂消失模鑄造複合錘頭的試驗研究
    Study on the Twin Metals Hammer by EPC Process
  8. 金屬型複合鑄造鑄態錘頭的研製及套用
    Development and Application of Die Cast Hammer Made of Composite Metal
