字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>處理數據的英文翻譯


拼音:chǔ lǐ shù jù


【計】 manipulation data




  1. 在需要處理數據時,系統或資源就緒的程度。
    The degree to which a system or resource is ready when needed to process data.
  2. 計算機是一種快速、精確的符號加工系統,它能接收、存儲、處理數據並產生輸出結果。
    A computer is a fast and accurate symbol processing system. It can accept, store, process data and produce output results.
  3. 科學和技術的一個分支,專門研究在人們、地方或機器之間如何表示、傳送、解釋或處理數據的過程,關鍵的內容是在上述過程中要保持賦給既定數據的含義不變。
    The branch of science and technology that is concerned with the process of representing, transferring, interpreting, or processing data among persons, places, or machines. It is essential that the meaning assigned to the data is preserved during the process.
  4. 卡片組,卡片疊一組處理數據的卡片
    A group of data processing cards
  5. 人們可以通過處理數據以提高圖像質量。
    Data can be manipulated to enhance image quality.
  6. 只有安裝了作業系統軟體後,計算機才能處理數據
    Computer can not deal with the data unless it is installed the OS software.
  7. 清洗:重新處理數據包,整理數據包,使其正常化。
    Scrub: Reprocessing packets to normalize and defragment them.
  8. 處理數據體的一個周期。參閱sortpass。
    One cycle of processing a body of data.
