字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>純系的英文翻譯


拼音:chún xì


【醫】 clon; clone; pure line


1.clone  2.pureline  3.inbredline  4.purestrain  


  1. 丙烯酸裝置提純系統的模擬與最佳化
    Simulation and Optimization of the Separation System of Acrylic Acid Plant
  2. 事件經過檢查,純系無法抗拒之因素所致。
    Case under review purely attributable to force major.
  3. 水稻不育系Ⅱ—32A連續提純及其純系表現
    Purification of Rice CMS Line Ⅱ-32A
  4. 我方報價純系淨價,價格已降至極限。
    Our quotation is strictly net, and the price have is reduce to the limit.
  5. 我能證明這種指控純系無中生有。
    l have a complete answer to this accusation
  6. 那篇對近期出版的浪漫傳奇小說的評論純系吹捧之作。
    The review of the latest romance novel was a total puff piece
  7. 那篇對近期出版的浪漫傳奇小說的評論純系吹捧之作。
    The review of the latest romance novel was a total puff piece.
