字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>出錢的英文翻譯


拼音:chū qián


open one's purse


(1).放債;貸錢於人。《史記·孟嘗君列傳》:“其食客三千人,邑入不足以奉客,... >>查看“出錢”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 我們出錢合買了一台電視機。
    We pitched in to buy a television set
  2. 銀行營業時間以外你取不出錢來。
    You cannot get money out of a bank outside banking hour.
  3. 我們大家出錢給喬治叔叔買生日禮物。
    We all pitch in to buy uncle george a birthday present
  4. 他會出錢買票的。
    He would cough up the money for the tickets.
  5. 我們大家出錢給喬治叔叔買生日禮物。
    We all pitch in to buy uncle george a birthday present.
  6. 出錢蓋旅館。
    I put up the money to build a hotel
  7. 我們出錢合買了一台電視機。
    We pitched in to buy a television set.
  8. 伊人斯一口咬定,市政府應該出錢洗他的褲子。
    Evans made it clear the city should foot the bill to clean his pants.
