字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>出世的英文翻譯 “出世”的日文翻譯


拼音:chū shì


born; stand aloof from worldly affairs


(1) ∶人的出生偶有真正偉大的詩人出世(2) ∶問世;產生《何典》的出世,至少... >>查看“出世”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 一紙電報立馬發至家中,告知她的父母孩子已經出世的訊息。
    The news of the birth was immediately telegraphed home to her parents.
  2. 像沒出世或剛誕生的嬰孩那樣單純; 非常天真無邪;完全清白無辜
    as innocent as a new-born babe
  3. 小馬一出世便跑到另一個農夫的馬車下面。
    The colt had run beneath the wagon of the other farmer.
  4. 他們大多數人是解放戰爭期間出世的。
    Most of them came into the world during the War of Liberation.
  5. 馬拉多納在未通過藥檢後被逐出世界杯。
    Maradona was kicked out of the World Cup after failing a drugs test.
  6. 政客對優生學沒有興趣,因為還未出世者沒投票權.
    Politicians take no interest in eugenics because the unborn have no vote.
  7. 馬拉多納在未通過藥檢後被逐出世界杯。
    Maradona was kicked out of the World Cup after failing a drugs test
  8. 他們價格定得過高而被擠出世界市場。
    They priced themselves out of the world market .
