字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>儲蓄的英文翻譯 “儲蓄”的日文翻譯


拼音:chǔ xù


deposit; save; save up; stockpile
【經】 lay up; savings


(1) ∶積存的錢或物定期儲蓄(2) ∶留出當前的部分收入供未來使用的過程提倡儲... >>查看“儲蓄”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 儲蓄和股票投資的比例因此變成65%和35%。
    Note that your percentage in stocks has fallen from 40% to 35%.
  2. 牙科醫生送來的一張巨額帳單花掉了她許多儲蓄
    A large bill from the dentise made a hole in her savings
  3. 我要開個儲蓄帳戶。
    I want to open a deposit account with you.
  4. 真實儲蓄率(GSR)——衡量生態城市的綜合指標
    Genuine saving rate(GSR)——an integrative index to measure eco-city.
  5. 我給了不少50便士的硬幣,但沒有幾個存到儲蓄罐里。
    I gave him fifty pence yesterday and advised him to save it.
  6. 我的侄兒喬治有一個儲蓄罐,但總是空空的。
    My nephew, George, has a money-box but it is always empty.
  7. 應當儲蓄以備不時之需。
    One should lay up against a rainy day
  8. 我們有活期存款賬戶和儲蓄存款賬戶。
    We have checking accounts and saving accounts.
