字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>出於的英文翻譯 “出於”的日文翻譯


拼音:chū yú


proceed from; start from


1、出產於、產生於、出現於 例,這句話出於魯迅的某某小說中。 這花是出於張家... >>查看“出於”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 扣除,扣留出於衡平的原因而減去或扣留(到期某物的一部分)
    To deduct or withhold(part of something due) for an equitable reason.
  2. 8這勸導不是出於那召你們的。
    This persuasion is not of Him who calls you.
  3. 矛盾通常是非故意的互相衝突或出於相反的目的
    A usually unintentionally conflicting or contrary purpose
  4. 出於寒冷或恐懼)擠在一起
    To crowd together, as from cold or fear.
  5. 人們常常出於禮貌問候健康。
    People often ask about health out of politeness.
  6. 我喜歡雨的真正原因是純粹是出於自私?
    My real reason for enjoying the rain is steeped in pure selfishness?
  7. 出於嫉妒說了這話。
    She said it out of envy.
  8. 這批文物的出土完全出於偶然。
    It was only by a fluke that these artifacts were unearthed
